Tutorial: Configuring emails and text notifications sent by planyo (1 / 6)
Planyo offers a very high level of flexibility when it comes to email and sms messages. When you first create a planyo site, it’s configured so that no sms messages are sent and the following email messages are sent to the customer when they make a reservation:
- Email address verification: once the reservation is made, the customer must click on a link in an email address verification message sent to them by planyo. Only then the administrator is notified by email than there is a new reservation.
- New reservation with verified email address: once the email address is verified, the customer receives an email which informs them of the status of their reservation and listing all reservation details. The exact message here depends on the resource settings. By default, the customer is informed that the reservation must still be confirmed by the administrator and that they will receive another email once the reservation is confirmed
- Reservation confirmed: the customer then receives an email once the reservation is confirmed by the administrator
- Reservation cancelled: the customer also receives an email if their reservation is cancelled
The main site administrator (and resource administrator if this role is defined) receives an email when a new reservation with verified email address is entered into the system and when the reservation gets cancelled.
Additionally, if the reminder field is visible in the reservation form (by default it's hidden), the customers can select on the reservation page how many days before the rental planyo should send a reminder to them. Please note that you can also create reminders sent to the customers before the rental, always or based on conditions defined by you.