FAQ Q156: Some words, such as resource, displayed to my users don't properly describe my business model. Can I change them?

Section: Translations and language
Yes! You can customize any single text that is ever displayed to the users during the reservation process (including email verification etc.)

To do this, go to Site settings / customized translation. Choose the language you want to customize the texts for and skip the content translation by clicking the next button.

Once you get to the user interface translation screen, you can search for any word (or part of a word) that you'd like to be translated, e.g. resource. This will display the full list of user-interface texts containing the searched word. Simply click on the text's ID and do the translation. Repeat the process for all other texts you'd like to translate.

Click here to find out how you can translate the user interface to a language not yet available in Planyo
Click here to find out how you can translate your own content (such as site and resource descriptions etc.) into other languages.
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